Thursday, July 22, 2010

Things #15: Skype

I was excited when we first started this blog to see Skype on the list.  I had originally set up a Skype account over Christmas when I was visiting my parents.  All I knew about it at the time was that we could "talk" via video for free and that there is the ability to share your computer screen (would be a great way to assist my mom when she was trying something new on her Mac)!  So, I set my mom up with an account and myself, but I knew so little about it and really did not take the time to investigate then.  Thus, we have yet to use it.  In fact, when we were checking Skype yesterday in class, I realized I had forgotten my password and had to submit to reset it.  So getting to explore Skype and its features for this blog was so helpful!!

Today, after spending some time both on the Skype website as well as signed on as a user, I have learned a number of things.

1. You can conference call with three or more people on Skype
2. You can send files quickly over Skype
3. Screen sharing works on Windows or Mac platform....but you do need the latest version of Skype in order to use it.
4. And among many other features, there is an easy to use Support/Help link on Skype for questions or when you need to know how to do something.
5. When signed on to Skype, the features really are as easy as a click of a button.
6.  The Conference Call feature is easy to set up

One of the first things that come to my mind with using Skype in the classroom would behow advantageous it would be for a student who is sick for awhile.  Being brought in over Skype, the student could still hear live from the teacher or participate in a class discussion.  I also think of taking pen pals in a different way.  Instead of writing pen pals across the world, students could Skype with others across the continents.   This idea was also referenced in the Edublogger article Dr. Wilson had posted. I appreciated on Anne Mirtschin's Blog, that she addresses the class discipline and management issues associated with using Skype in the classroom...she has overcome these to her students' advantage!  What a great resource the site 50 Awesome Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom is....I'll definitely be passing that on to the teachers I work with.

P.S. Update as of Monday the 26th: Christina and I successfully skyped this morning for about twenty minutes. She is working hard even from Seaside on vacation. It was unbelievable how it felt like we were in the same room talking. She gave me great tips on making my claymation for my other class: Bring a tripod, don't move the camera AT ALL in between shots, periodically load the pics on the computer to see how they are turning out! So fun we could talk from miles away!


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