Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Thing #2: Blogging

Wow!! I love this already! Over the last several years I have loved keeping up with friends through their blogs, but have never taken the time to set up my own. I was convinced I did not have the time....and would I have anything to say?? The ease of setting up this blog though has already convinced me....a personal blog is in my near future. Not only is it easy (so far!), but so much fun.

Of course, my usual self, spent way too much time exploring possible templates, how to change the template, etc. But for now I have settled upon a template and have worked my way through the settings. I am very excited to continue and see what else I will learn in the upcoming steps. Besides reading others blogs, I am a novice. I have not yet commented or questioned on anyone else's blog, but am anxious to get involved in that as well. Recognizing that I often learn more of what I am thinking when I talk out loud or journal my thoughts, I can see the blog will be an effective way for me to continue to learn as I process my thoughts and experiences.

Because most of my blog reading in the past has been concentrated on friends' blogs, I decided to explore a few other avenues today. Within moments I have found some great sites about : LifeLong Learning Blog, Tech in the Classroom Thoughts, and Blogs in the Classroom.

So much to explore!!!!! But having fun as I do it!



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