Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thing #15.5: Twitter

Well, as excited I was when I originally saw the last blog assignment was on Skype...I was equally unexcited when I saw the word Twitter on #15.5! I have been determined never to join Twitter. With multiple emails to check, Facebook, blogs to follow, etc....I just did not want one more distraction :) But I acquiesced for the sake of this assignment....and I survived. I initially just followed the steps to sign up from the Twitter website. Very easy and straightforward. But then I began to wonder how in the world to just send a message to one particular person, i.e. how to tweet just Dr. Wilson and not everyone else! I was able to set my tweets to private, but knew there would be tweets intended for just one person. THEN I watched the tutorial on Dr. Wilson's blog (should have done that first!) Pretty easy to send a message to just one person on Twitter....use the "@" button with their username!  I created a list for myself to just put classmates on.  If I were to use this with co workers, I could have a list of co workers name and just tweet that list resources, ideas, or thoughts that I want to pass on to them. One thing I don't like though....I have already received several requests within the first hour of being on by people unknown to me who want to follow me.  Although I do have the ability to decline, seems odd when I have virtually no information out there or anything that people just follow to follow. 

I did explore some possible ways to use Twitter in the educational settings.  Thirty Interesting Ways, How One Teacher Uses Twitter in the Classroom, and 100 Ways to Teach with Twitter are all worth checking out! 

So far, no one I know is following me....I have sent a few tweets out....I'll keep experimenting with it! 


Dr. Wilson said...

Well I can't find you on Twitter. Who are you? I am doctordkwilson

Ranelle Woolrich said...

I am ranellew

TF McGregor, MEd said...

LOL! I too did not see myself EVER joining twitter. I just did not see the point of sharing what I am doing with people ever second of the day. Plus, I figured, "Who would want to follow my day to day life?" As teachers, our time is quite limited and I have too many usernames and passwords to keep up with already! But for the sake of this assignment (I sure you've heard that before), I ventured into the unknown world of twittering. I watched the tutorial video and was a twitting before I knew it. There only a few people I know that actually use Twitter, but I agree that I would use it to share resources that I come across with other educators.

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